Why did You will that I be tormented so?
You tell me, because I just don’t know.
For me, it was a long spell in Hell,
Maybe why one day to me You’ll tell.
When from this world me You’ll release,
At least then won’t You tell me, please?
You know well all that I underwent,
All the troubles that to me You sent.
You know also how I continue to yearn
The reason for this to clearly learn.
It might be nice if You’ll finally explain
The reason You made me face all this pain
Surely, it will then fully satisfy
My desperate urge to know why.
Ah, how I wait that soon, someday,
To me the reason for it You will say.
May that day dawn soon, I pray.
Could you please make it happen today?
In fact, at this very moment, right now?
This my request will You please allow?
On second thoughts, I rescind my plea.
Knowing You willed it is enough for me.
This much at least I’ve now understood,
That it had to be, for my own good.
I know it all happened for my best,
This assurance from You gives me rest.
I know, too, that in it is only Your grace.
And with this, all things now fall into place!