I shut tight the door to my heart.
Maybe I wanted You to depart.
It was as if to You I had said,
“Find a home elsewhere instead.
No more in my heart can You stay.
Leave at once, just go away.”
And just then, the whole of my life
Came to be drowned in searing strife.
I didn’t realise it, I didn’t then know,
But this was the penalty for making You go.
You, Loving Friend, I rudely spurned,
For this, oh what misery I earned!
Forgetting that only You can suffice,
I gave myself over to a life of vice,
And then how awful was the fall,
Oh how I shudder when this I recall!
I chose willingly to be mislead,
Prostrating before a fiend instead,
And at what a most terrible cost:
Almost all things good in life I lost,
For years taking this loss to be gain,
Virtue to be vice and joy to be pain.
Values thus inverted, it was no surprise
That I forsook truth for downright lies,
And when this happened, it just had to be
That life sheer hell turned out for me.
Decades I squandered, gone far astray.
For this, oh what a price I had to pay!
Hear me now please, O Greatest Treasure,
O You who’s precious beyond all measure,
O You the only cure to my deadly disease,
Come back, I plead, come back, please,
Because besides You, to whom shall I go,
For You’re The Only One, most truly so!