I didn’t do it; no, it wasn’t me.
It was God who did it; the doer was He.
He did it through me, choosing to do so,
That's all about this that I truly know.
It happened through me, so you say the deed was mine,
That I was the doer of it, this you firmly opine.
But please believe me, my friend you really must,
When I say God did it, please my word trust.
But it's nothing special, this I must say,
For all deeds that happen occur in this way.
Behind everything we do it’s He who does it all,
Doing all actions through us, both ‘big’ and ‘small’.
Every deed that’s been done in all of history,
The sole doer thereof has always been He.
See Him as the doer of all things ‘good’ and ‘bad’,
‘Great’ or ‘insignificant’, ‘pleasant’ and ‘sad’.
Doing these many actions, it’s He who alone can,
He does all of them in accordance with His plan.
All the things He does, don’t ask the reason why,
We just cannot know, so please don’t even try.
Confessing our ignorance, let us simply say:
‘Baffling is His working, mysterious is His way!’
Soopurrr poem dolcykidy! May God bless you with super health always to keep writing!🤗💗💯❤️🥰🐦🐦🐦🐦🎉