For another day You’ve made me return.
Why? Could you please make me discern
The reason for which You willed me to?
Is there some task You’d like me to do?
Someone to meet, or something to say,
Or do as You will in some other way?
There must be some reason, I suppose,
And it’s only You who this truly knows,
For, after all, it's You who made me
Here, on Earth, for another day be.
Perhaps what’s best said if this is so
Is, “May this day come and then go
With me being and doing as You willed,
In this way Your purpose being fulfilled,
The reason why for yet another day
You decreed that here I should stay."
Soopurrr poem dolcykidy. Another day to nanny Ginju and buy summer hat for mickey 🤣😁😁😄😃😀🍓🐿️🍞🦃💯❤️💗⛄🐦🤣🐈🐝💕🍿🍞🍓🍉🎉💐🥝👏