There was a man who lived very long ago
(Perhaps five centuries in the past or so).
He was inspired to boldly announce:
“All the labels you cling to I renounce.
These labels have all been made by man,
Understand this, please, if you can.
These labels of ‘us’ and ‘them’, ‘high’ and ‘low’:
God made none of them, you should know."
He refused the labels they sought to impose,
All of them he rejected, every one of those,
Saying, “These labels over which you furiously spar
Are not in reality who we actually are.
My only label is that I’m just me.
From all other labels I’m completely free.
To be anything else I just cannot pretend.
Realize your true self and all such labels transcend,
So that when we leave for the Other Shore,
These manmade labels we’ll have no more,
Being then in a state just the same
As when to this earthly realm we came.”
The man then went on to firmly declare:
“Know this to be true, and please be aware,
That of all such labels God is completely free.
As every sensible person will likely agree,
God has no race, class, ethnicity or region,
Nor any caste, gender, colour or religion.
God is beyond every such label, you see,
And I want it to be the same for me.
I would like to be like God in this way,
And so, ‘I’m free from all your labels!’, I joyfully say.”
Good concept of who am I. Well done, congratulations and best wishes ❤️
Very cute poem. God bless the poet and all kitties too don't have labels, they are free, as kitties only.🥰😺😺😺🐿️🐿️🐿️🐿️🐝🐝🐝🐝💗💗💗💗