According to modern scientific discoveries, the universe is not eternal. Rather, it is said to have had a definite origin—perhaps a couple of billion years ago. It is said that at this time (and this may mark the beginning of time as we know it), a super-atom appeared in space. It was a collection of all the particles that are found in the present universe. It was as if the entire present universe was then a very large football, containing a vast number of particles stuck together through a very intense power of attraction. Then, an enormously powerful explosion happened inside it. Immediately thereafter, the particles inside the super-atom were hurled into space and began to travel, at an exceedingly rapid speed. They then went on to coalesce in the form of various bodies in space, which took the form of stars, planets, galaxies, solar systems, suns, moons, and, of course, our Earth too.
This explosion in the super-atom proves the existence of a very powerful Being separate from the universe that was present from beforehand, which, through its volitional intervention, caused the explosion to happen in the super-atom that resulted in its particles being hurled outside, into space, with which the present universe began. This Being we call ‘God’.
Another exceedingly significant aspect of this momentous event was the nature of the explosion that occurred. Accidental explosions always lead to destructive outcomes. But uniquely, the explosion in the super-atom was not only non-destructive but also super-constructive, leading to the emergence of the universe. This exceptional event is evidence of the fact behind it was a Being Who possesses unlimited power, a Being Who exercises complete control over an event and also its outcomes, the Being we call ‘God’.
The fact of the universe having had a definite beginning being proven also proves that the universe had a ‘Beginninger’, a Being who caused it to begin. The origin of something that was previously non-existent can only occur when prior to it, something else existed which, through its intention and power, caused it to come into being. The One Who brought the universe into being is Whom we call ‘God’.
In the unimaginably vast universe, our Earth is a rare exception. Here, innumerable things are present that are indispensable for human life, such as water, oxygen and plants. On the other hand, in the rest of the vast universe, man is yet to discover any other planet where these things are available. This exception tells us that the Earth did not come into being through some accidental coalescence of particles of matter, but, rather, that it is the creative miracle of a conscious Supreme Being, Whom we call ‘God’. Had it been the result of the unconscious action of some material laws, there would probably have been many more such Earths in the universe, and not just one.
Everything on our planet is exceedingly meaningful. The meaningfulness of things proves that this world is the product of a conscious act of creation of a Creator, Whom we call ‘God’. No other theory can explain it.
Take, for example, the Earth’s size. When it is measured around the Equator, the Earth’s circumference is around 25,000 miles. This figure is exceedingly significant. Had it been double—around 50,000 miles—the Earth’s gravitational force would have been so much that it would have stunted the growth of the human body, as a result of which there would be only midget-sized people on Earth. On the other hand, had the circumference been half—around 12,500 miles—the gravitational force would have been so weak that it would not be able to stop the growth of the human body, as a result of which people would be as tall as palm trees! Besides this, several other unfavourable conditions might have made the progress of human civilization simply impossible.
If we reflect on these issues, we will be led to realise that from the scientific point of view itself, there is no alternative to accepting the fact that there is indeed a Creator of the Earth and that He is definitely One.