According to many scientists, some 13.8 billion years ago, there was a tiny cosmic ball in space. An ‘explosion’ took place in this ball—the event that is called the ‘Big Bang’. This is said to have been the start of the universe. It is also said that soon after this, another event occurred, with the particles that were contained in the ball spreading out in the vast expanse at great speed. After this, gradually, the present universe came into being.
For the particles in the ‘cosmic ball’ to rapidly spread out into space following the ‘Big Bang’ was a very extraordinary event. It could not have happened on its own. If the ‘Big Bang’ theory is true, it indicates the presence of an Intervener who existed prior to the ‘Big Bang’ and who caused it to happen—or, in other words, the Creator God. A supposed cause like an ‘accident’ or ‘mere chance’, which atheists might offer in this regard, simply cannot explain this phenomenon. If an accident or ‘mere chance’ cannot produce something as simple as a cup of fine tea, how could it produce something as astounding as the entire universe?
If the ‘Big Bang’ theory is true, the question arises, “Who or what caused the ‘Big Bang’ to happen?” It is entirely reasonable to assume that it could not have happened on its own, nor also by chance or accident. There must definitely have been some Being in existence prior to the ‘Big Bang’ who possessed the intelligence, will, intention and power that were required for such a momentous event as bringing the universe into being who was responsible for this event. The only reasonable explanation for this event is that it was the handiwork of a Creator God.
The fact is that modern scientific explorations, including the ‘Big Bang’ theory of the origin of the universe, have taken man to the very doorstep of realizing the existence of God, and now all that is left is for God’s existence to be verbally acknowledged.