He said, ‘Believe in our god or in Hell you’ll rot.’
I replied saying, ‘I will most definitely not.’
Irritated, he asked me, ‘But tell me why’.
I answered, ‘Because it’s just all a lie!’
‘What do you mean?’, he wanted to know,
‘How can you so confidently say so?’
‘The true God,’ I then explained, ‘our Creator,
Is not, as you imagine, a vicious dictator,
Demanding that of Reason we take leave
And all your nonsense we blindly believe.
The true God surely isn’t cruel and unkind,
Nor has He been driven out of His mind
That He will, as you claim, cast into Hell
All who don’t believe as you seek to compel.
‘You portray God as being vile and mean,
As the cruelest ogre that there’s ever been.
What lies about Him you do speak!
What fake claims you fervently seek
To get me to believe, saying that this is
An absolute must if I want to be His!
‘Oh, the false dogmas that you firmly uphold,
Which for long centuries your folks have retold!
Oh how ardently even now they seek to impose
Their talk of Hell’s fire and of heavenly repose,
Arrogantly declaring, ‘Believe as we do,
Or else after you die, you’ll badly rue.
If you believe like us, we promise you
That you’ll be among God’s chosen few,
Living high up in Heaven for ever more.
But if you don’t, then you can be sure
That God will hurl you into the fires of Hell:
(As our holy books very clearly tell)
And forever in Hell’s fires you will burn,
This being the punishment you will earn
For not having believed just as we do,
So, for your own good, believe as we tell you.’
‘Ours is the one and only true way,’
So you and your folks boastfully say.
You declare this with firm confidence,
But to me it’s clear it’s utter nonsense.
This being the case, how could it be
That the true God would expect me
To believe your nonsense as a must,
And to place in it my full trust,
As a condition to avoid eternal Hell
As you so brazenly preach and tell?
Now you know why I see no need
To believe in your foolish creed.
‘Oh foolish friend, I can clearly perceive
That while you are all set to deceive
Others with your big pack of lies
You yourself fail to realise
That the claims about God that you make
Are arrant nonsense, completely fake.
‘Oh friend, your false beliefs now unlearn.
That they aren’t true please discern.
Your idea of God simply disgusts me.
I’m sure the true God just cannot be
As you’ve been led to believe for so long.
I’m absolutely sure it’s completely wrong.
I plead with you, please open your eyes
And finally see through the many lies
That you believe and want others also to.
For your own good I say this to you,
For, it would be tragic if you continue
To waste your life on something that isn’t true,
Believing and preaching what's sheer falsehood
While foolishly imagining it to be the highest good.’