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If There’s Life After Death, I Think I Can Trust…

Updated: 2 days ago

Many theories about what happens after we die,

About where we then go, and also how and why.

Some talk of eternal Heaven and Hell.

Others of a lengthy cycle of rebirths tell.

Yet others say when we die, it is all over,

That our existence is extinguished forever.

A great many such theories thus abound,

Each to its believers seeming reasonable and sound.

But as for myself, I have to say

That to decide between them I see no way,

Because what happens after we die I just don’t know,

And this will remain so until I myself get to go

Beyond death to any state there might be,

And then what happens for myself I'll see,

Only then can I speak with full confidence

About what awaits us across death’s fence.

Until that happens, it’ll remain a mystery.

To accept it as such I’ll just have to agree,

Knowing that right now I just can’t know

What happens when we exit this earthly show.

So, I'll let what might happen be as it will,

And seek, instead, my present life to fulfill,

This being the only life of which I’m sure,

Other than it, I can't know more.

So, let me spend the only life I now know,

What might happen after it, let it simply be so.

If there’s life after death, I think I can trust

That I’ll be treated in a manner fair and just.

So, why be anxious about what might be?

Why fret about what might happen to me?

If I lead my present life in the way that's best,

There’ll be no reason to worry about the rest!

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