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In the Name of God & Religion

O God, in Your world there are so many religions,

As You know, this has led to fierce divisions,

With zealots claiming their religion’s the chosen one,

And that in other religions there’s goodness none,

Imagining that they enjoy Your exclusive favour,

Clinging to this false belief with fanatic fervour,

Each insisting that their religion alone is right,

Being driven thus to seemingly endless fight.

They proudly declare, making so bold as to say,

That in Your eyes theirs is the only acceptable way.

Oh their arrogance, their overweening self-exaltation,

Each claiming theirs to be the sole way to salvation!

(Of course, there’s no proof that any of this is true,

But, see, God, what falsehoods they attribute to You!)


Oh the many charlatans claiming to be Divinely appointed,

And the millions who believe them to be by You annointed!

An easier rout to grab power one could hardly invent

Than by claiming they’ve by You been specially sent.

In Your name, many millions they managed to fool,

In this way, vast lands they got to conquer and rule.

See, God, how easy it is to cheat people in Your name!

Such a sinister way for crooks to garner power and fame!


O God, in Your name, what terrible misery and woe,

In Your name, how many their lives forced to forgo!

Oh the exploitation in the name of religious belief!

When from this madness will You grant us relief?

The oppression in the name of dogma and creed:

When, Lord, will humanity the voice of sanity heed?


Lord, You have let human beings to be fully free

Among themselves about You to fiercely disagree

(Perhaps You’ve Your reasons why You did so,

The truth of the matter possibly only You know).

In Your name, such crimes men have committed,

In Your name, such grave evil You have permitted.

May a day come when all this You’ll no longer allow.

May that day dawn soon—if possible, right now.

May that time arrive at once, that truly blessed hour.

You can arrange for this, God, for You have all power.

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