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Maybe Only Thus Will This Madness Cease

From aeons now they still fight,                                         

There seems just no end in sight,

Each claiming they alone possess

Your final word to us, no less,

A book that they boastfully say

You sent down as the only way

For human beings to know You

And to live as You want them to,

Insisting only those who follow it

Will You declare to be truly fit

To earn Your pleasure and goodwill

While they’re on Earth and later still.


Books they say You wrote and sent,

Oh this claim that’s so fraudulent!

On this lie millions have been fed

And to grave chaos this has led.

Oh what misery and what pain,

So many driven fully insane,

Hate, strife and brutal war,

Continuing now as before,

All happening in Your name

Over books that they proclaim

Are Your last message to the world,

The final missive You’ve unfurled,

Books that they loudly declare,

In blind faith, with much fanfare,

Are from You Your ultimate word.

Oh my goodness! How absurd!


If I’m asked, I’ll simply say

It seems there’s just no way

Any such book could ever be

Your last word to humanity.

In fact, I think, or intuitively feel,

Only one ‘book’ did You ever ‘reveal’:

The ‘Book of Nature’ that’s so grand,

Given to all humankind to understand.

The whole universe, it would appear,

Is Your ‘book’ that makes things clear,

This cosmos Your perfect ‘revelation’,

A ‘book’ for every people and nation

That’s beyond every religion and creed

And which all persons can easily read.


If on this one ‘scripture’ they'll unite

It might resolve their ancient fight

Over books that they say You wrote.

Maybe this alone can be the antidote,

To end this madness the only way.

Do tell me what You have to say!






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