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Nothing Big Did I Achieve

Updated: Mar 2

Nothing big did I achieve,

No special legacy did I leave,

I didn’t earn a glorious name,

Power, status or much fame.

I did nothing particularly great

That impacted the world’s fate.

No grand contribution did I make

For humankind's wellbeing’s sake.

Many have done for the world’s good much,

But I did nothing impressive as such.

That I did nothing spectacular

Should to all be amply clear.


Why this was so I don’t know.

Could it have been different? I wonder so.

Perhaps it could’ve had You willed it to be.

So, maybe it was so because of You, not me.

Perhaps all I did, and also didn’t do,

Was because not of me but You.


Maybe You make each of us do

Just as You decreed us to,

Each playing the part that You assign

In Your cosmic drama divine,

Doing just as You’ve laid in store,

Nothing less, and nothing more.


If this proposition is really true,

Then I did just as You willed me to

And not by a jot did I depart

From what You decreed as my part,

My role that You assigned in Your game,

Doing as You wanted, exactly the same,

In this matter having really no choice.

Ah! If this is true, then let me rejoice,

Joyful, knowing that I faithfully fulfilled

The role that for me You had willed.


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Mar 01
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Soopurrr poem dolcykidy yasha made soopurrr seviyan!!!❤️❤️💕😺😺😺🌄🌄🌄

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