I know You will let me dare
Ask You if You think it’s fair
That He took You back at p’raps thirty-three
While I’m still down here at almost sixty.
They say a short stay Yours was here,
Maybe a little more than three decades mere,
But for me it’s already been so long,
How much more will He prolong
My being here, on this earthly plane,
Facing joy, sorrow, pleasure and pain?
It’s been more than half a century now,
Please request Him to speedily allow
Me to return home soon to You,
I hope this You’ll certainly do.
O may it happen this very day,
For this to You I earnestly pray,
But if here still more He wants me to stay,
Please remain with me all along the way,
Holding my hand always, firm and tight,
Keeping me constantly in Your sight,
Not for a moment letting go of me
Please, my dearest, let it so be.