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Simply Watch Him Busy in His Cosmic Play

If all doings that are done are His actually,

Why wish any had been done differently?

If every deed that happens is done by Him,

What room is there for our will and whim?

If all things happen because they’re His decree,

Why imagine that we are in any way free?

If it’s He who is behind every happening,

Why think we can ourselves do anything?


If He’s the Sole Doer, the One who does it all,

We can’t do anything, being incredibly small.

If it’s He who does everything that we think we do,

Give Him the ‘praise’ for it, and the ‘blame’, too,

And simply watch Him busy in His cosmic play,

Using us as mere instruments to have His way,

Thinking, speaking and doing through us as He decrees,

Doing just as He likes, whatever Him might please.


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Feb 14
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Beauty poem dolcykidy, the poet!!!!

God bless yasha with longggggg life to keep writing beauty poems!

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