There’s something about Your Name,
Each time I take it I feel the same:
Within I sense a strange calm,
Your Name is a soothing balm.
This isn’t for me just theory,
A claim that I’ve heard merely,
Something that others have said,
Or that in some book I’ve read,
Nor some tale spun or a lie,
As I can personally verify.
I’ve experienced it, so I know
That this is, in fact, truly so.
Your Name’s the one exalted great,
It can miraculously overturn fate.
Beyond the rest lifted far above,
The very epitome of true love.
Shattered lives it gently heals,
Oh what bliss a bruised heart feels
On repeating it, what great peace,
And from all shackles final release!
I’ve never felt or heard others say
About other names the same way,
And so, it seems clear to me
Your Name most special must be,
A Name that’s so very unique
That millions in it refuge seek,
For centuries, with not a break,
In it what great joy they take,
And through it they then receive
The bliss that no mind can conceive.
Soopurrr poem dolcykidy squirrel! God bless you! 💗❤️💯🥰😺🐦🐘🍓🍎🍉🍞🍿🐿️💕💐🎉🍎🍉👏🐈🐶🐝