To myself I must now firmly say
(That I’ll pay heed to this, I hope I may):
“Why hanker to travel anywhere,
For, wherever you go, it’s just God who’s there?
Why, then, long to journey to places far?
Be happy just where you now are,
For, it’s He who’s there wherever you go:
This basic truth you really must know.
All matter that there is, is God’s energy congealed,
So, every place there is, is God geographically revealed.
A gorgeous locale or your own drab city it may be,
Every place in the vast universe is actually just He.
It’s He who appears in the form of every place,
So, wherever you turn, all you see is His face.
Why wish you were elsewhere: Africa, London or Tokyo,
When it's just He who is present wherever you may go?
It’s Him alone whom you see wherever you may traverse,
So, don’t be attached to some places and to others averse.
Every place you may travel to you’ll finally find unpleasant,
So, be happy where you are placed right now, at present.
I know you don’t like where you’re now, but don’t be sad,
For, if you know He’s there, too, it might make you glad.
Blossom where He plants you, wherever that might be,
Knowing that it’s Him alone in every place that you see.
So, unless you’re led to, be happy where you are now,
Knowing that all of this is just temporary anyhow.
This world one day you will finally have to leave,
So, don’t with its glitter and dazzle yourself deceive.
Cease now your desire to here and there travel,
Travel within yourself now—oh what a marvel!
If you get the chance to travel, you needn’t decline,
If there’s a real need to travel, then it’s well and fine,
But you’ve travelled much already on this earthly plane,
Prepare yourself now to travel to some other domain,
For, from this earthly sphere you’ll soon have to depart,
And a new set of travels elsewhere you’ll need to start.
You haven’t been sent to Earth a mere tourist to be,
To simply travel the world and many places see,
You’ve been sent here for the evolution of your soul,
So make that, and not constant travel, your life’s goal.
Why after visiting new places should you hanker?
Instead, in your soul’s purpose yourself now anchor.
Know that your stay on Earth will soon come to an end,
So, to the task of your soul’s evolution seriously attend.”
Supurrr poem God bless the poet!!!