Why to Earth have we been sent?
Whatever for? With what intent?
Is our being here a punishment,
From our true home a banishment?
Have we been placed here in exile,
Decreed by You to spend a while?
Only You know the reason why.
Won’t You my curiosity satisfy?
Perhaps You will, when one day,
From here You'll take me away,
And then this grand mystery
You might make clear to me.
Unknown it is bound to remain
Till the day when You might explain
Why You decided to place us here,
And when it's made amply clear
Why on Earth You made us stay,
“It was truly worth it!” I might say.
Soopurrr poem dolcykidy 🤗🌼❤️💯🍓🍞🍿🐝🐈🤣⛄💗🐦💐🥝💕👏😀🍉🎉💐👍