The whole world’s Yours, so they say,
If that’s true, then have Your way.
You can make people believe about You
Whatever You might want them to,
So, who am I to think I can correct
Foolish beliefs of others that I detect,
Beliefs that they have about You
That just simply cannot be true?
You caused people to come to Earth
And each among others to assume birth,
Making them believe what their folks say is true,
Including for millions, inanities about You,
Beliefs that are just plain stupidity,
Many of which strain all credulity,
Beliefs that make men foolish, dogmatic
Close-minded, narrow and wildly fanatic,
Beliefs that are simply a pack of lies
Camouflaged in seemingly pious disguise,
Beliefs bizarre, beliefs utterly absurd
That are claimed as Your holy 'Word',
Beliefs evil, that foment hate, strife and fear,
Beliefs that threaten all that good folks hold dear.
If You hadn’t arranged things thus to be,
We might've been spared this calamity.
So, whose 'fault' is it, I’d like to know?
Who has arranged for things to be so?
As far as I see, (though I might be wrong),
It’s You who’s been responsible all along.
You do what You like, please continue.
Make people believe about You as You want them to,
Beliefs that are true or false, whatever it might be,
You handle it all, please don’t ask me,
For, it’s Your world, it isn’t mine,
So, do here as You deem fine.
Why should I this burden bear?
I ask you, should I even bother to care?
The truth about You to clarify
Only You can do, certainly not I.
You manage it, it’s just not for me,
For I’m nobody, and You, the Almighty.
Believes are plain stupidity you are true
Soopurrr poem dolcykidy squirrel keep writing more! 💗💗💗💯💯🐦🎉💐💕🐈👏🦃🎄🐝🍿🌄🐶😁🤗😺😊👍🌄